Matt McMullen’s ‘love dolls’ can cost $50,000, are hyperrealistic – and are selling faster than he can make them. Is this the future of sex?
The man who meets me at his office in San Marcos, a scenic beach town just north of San Diego, is slight, unassuming, with gentle manners and a sleeve tattoo. His headquarters, on the other hand, are far more arresting. Heads on shelves. Disembodied sculptured limbs. Naked torsos. Otherworldly blank looks. There are full-size dolls everywhere – smooth, toned, unblemished. Both a fantasy of what women look like, and strangely real at the same time.
Matt McMullen didn’t set out to invent “the World’s Finest Love Doll” (he prefers the term “love doll” to “sex doll”). It began as a hobby, something he did when he wasn’t working at a factory making Hallowe’en masks or playing in grunge bands. He decided to use moulding techniques in his garage to make figurines about a foot or two tall. The result was a series of exotic dancers. When they sold well he graduated on to a one-off, life-size model.
In the past he has said the project was more of a “joke” or “funky art piece”, and only became something he could make money from because people started asking him to make more of his silicone dolls with their completely accurate, fully articulated skeletons.
Traditionally, the sex doll has had a cheap, rather ludicrous image. The main problem has been that even the most sophisticated versions are still made up of separate parts – a visible seam between the upper and lower leg – and can only be propped up like a GI Joe. McMullen changed that. Early on, their creator gave the dolls replaceable faces – attachable by Velcro at first, and now magnets. Next, the bodies became lighter and had more points of articulation in the spine, neck and shoulders. In their most recent incarnation, they are strangely lifelike, weighing 100lb and priced around $6,000 (£4,000) or more. McMullen’s so-called love dolls have begun to acquire a knowing, super-real glamour, like photoshopped models in a glossy magazine.
They have been featured on HBO and Howard Stern. The quirky, charming Lars and the Real Girl starred Ryan Gosling and a doll called Bianca, made by McMullen. His dolls have appeared on mainstream television shows including CSI: New York and House.
Eight years after starting his company – Abyss Creations, so called to be at the top of the alphabetical list at conventions – McMullen’s business has grown to a team of 12 and a 8,800sq ft facility (albeit one without a sign, to prevent nosey visitors). This year is shaping up to be one of his best yet. The company estimates up to 400 dolls will be shipped out – which means roughly one a day. Sales have been helped by curious customers being able to do all their doll shopping in private and online.
When we take a tour of the production floor, McMullen asks me to refrain from taking photos of anything inside the moulds. “Those are trade secrets,” he says. “I’ve had people come from other doll manufacturers under the guise of someone who just wants a tour. And then they go back and try to rip us off.”
His success has inspired rivals. He now has competitors in Asia, like Candy Girl in Japan and MicDoll in China. But American companies are in it, too – such as Private Island Beauties, and Sinthetics, which is run by a former employee of McMullen’s.
The production floor is a hive of activity. It’s a rugged workspace of sprockets and lathes and 50-gallon drums. And while it thoroughly destroys any illusion behind the dolls, McMullen says that customers enjoy a tour – “It reassures them to see how they’re made.” For the uninitiated, though, it’s an unholy sight. A recent visitor from Vanity Fair vividly described it as “a mass slaughter at a dry cleaner or meatpacking plant”. Bodies everywhere, in various states of completion. Headless torsos – because not all customers need the whole body. At one end of the room are the metal skeletons, set into moulds. “Key parts are stainless steel and titanium. The pipes are high-grade PVC,” says McMullen. He sounds like a building contractor. And at the other end is an abattoir scene, of bodies hanging from hooks on a carousel. One of the RealDoll craftsmen is among them, whistling and gluing on nipples.
Customers can choose between 11 different body types and 31 faces. They are invited to build the rubber woman of their dreams, right down to the freckles and eyebrows (real human hair available) and whether she has capillaries (wisps of red thread) on her eyeballs or not. Some customers even demand an entirely unique body type, just for them – no one else is allowed that mould. Those go for $50,000 and take up to six months. The average customer waits three months.
That said, he has his limits. No children and no animals. “I have been asked,” he says. And no real people lookalikes, although he’ll customise a doll to suggest a celebrity likeness.
His customers are not all like the shy loner character played by Gosling in Lars and the Real Girl. McMullen maintains that there is no stereotype of the typical client, although fewer than ten per cent are female. His clientele includes sheikhs, truck drivers, scientists, housewives, a Nobel prizewinner, couples hoping to pep up their sex lives, a nursing association, a dental school, wounded veterans, men recovering from prostate cancer. The US Department of Defense has purchased dolls (without genitalia) for war games. Psychiatrists use them in therapy sessions. Parents have ordered them for their autistic grown-up children. According to Vanity Fair, there are rumours that an actor with “anger management issues” bought five, and was seen sunbathing with them on his yacht.
McMullen has attempted to introduce robotic enhancements along the way. They’ve seldom worked, though. He has tried internal heating, to get past that cold, sticky feel of the rubber. “We had three different versions of a heater, but we haven’t released any of them. Either it’s not completely safe, or it didn’t get warm enough, or it got too hot.”
He even got his dolls to gyrate at one time – a step into the animatronic arena. He installed a motor in the chest cavity. There were various speeds and sequences. “I won’t say she’s fully twerking, but that kind of thing,” he says. “But the downside is the noise factor. You hear this rrr-rrr, rrr-rrr.” He sounds like an old windscreen wiper. “It’s just not a turn-on.”
When it comes to robotics, McMullen is torn. “Sometimes I just want the doll to be a doll, you know? There’s a reason they’re timeless. They inspire the imagination. What we’ve found is that doll owners really don’t want a high level of robotics. But you should ask them yourself.”
It’s a big day for Ben (not his real name) tomorrow. He’s taking his wife to her very first “doll meet”. He read about it on – some 60 doll owners meeting up in Pennsylvania, and bringing their dolls. These meets happen often, all over the world. Ben went to one last year. He was new to the subculture; he’d only just bought his first doll. And he confessed to the other doll owners that he hadn’t told his wife yet.
“They were like, ‘What?’ ” He laughs. “ ‘You better hope she doesn’t find out on her own.’ ”
This is not a lonely single man who’s been wounded by his relationships with women or lacking in social skills. Ben, 53, is a successful painting contractor from New Jersey. He’s married, with a 25-year-old daughter, and he lives a gregarious, active life – he has nine antique Harley-Davidsons, he goes kite surfing, plays the drums in a Pink Floyd tribute band, and he owns four parrots.
“Four parrots and four sex dolls!” He laughs. “You see, my wife’s menopausal. The frequency of intimacy isn’t there any more. So last year I bought a doll. And wow – I was blown away.”
When he told his wife, he says she was more perturbed that he’d kept it from her than anything else. (She declined to comment.) What smoothed the transition was his wife’s interest in photography, which is a huge part of the doll scene. The dolls often look stunning in photos – the sculpted bodies, the unblemished skin. In the hands of a practised photographer, they can be hard to separate from the real thing. But the spell is broken in the “flesh”, if that’s the word. The dolls can look still and cold. So the illusion of photography is critical to the fantasy. And on there are frequent photography competitions.
“As soon as I bought Grace – that’s what I call my first doll – she was like a muse,” Ben says. “I was doing these shots that were like eye candy for men. It was so inspiring. And now my wife is posing and shooting the dolls, too.”
The sex part is private. Some couples reportedly bring the dolls into bed with them as part of their fantasy life. But Ben keeps it quite separate. “It’s like a guy watching porn,” he says. “She knows it goes on, but she doesn’t want to know.”
In posing the dolls, he ascribes them personalities. Grace, his first, did all the things he does – play the drums, fix motorbikes. Roxanne, his second, however, was distinct. “She’s like a vagabond gypsy,” he says. Ben isn’t in the least bit inspired by the predicted dawn of the sexbots. “I’d rather infuse personality myself,” he says.
At doll meets, owners pose their dolls in nature, and take photos. But the rest of the time, it’s just a get-together. Benita Marcussen is a Danish photographer whose exhibition of men and their dolls opens soon in Copenhagen. She shot the photos at doll meets in the UK and the US.
“It’s quite sweet, really,” she says. “They’re very kind to each other. Very respectful of each other’s dolls, always asking permission. ‘Can I touch her hair?’ I never saw any doll swapping or anything like that. Most of the time, the dolls just stay in one room, while the men go and drink beer and have barbecues. It’s just a weekend away.”
There are all kinds of men in this culture, apparently. McMullen says his customers range from their twenties to their seventies. Marcussen has seen wealthy attorneys and business owners at these meets, as well as men who had to save for months to get one doll. And the sex isn’t even that prevalent.
“They don’t just have sex with them whenever they want,” she says. “They’re cold, they’re heavy. They need to be moved to the bedroom, posed and heated with an electric blanket … It’s quite an operation.”
And some of the stories are extreme. Men who have lost their wives to cancer and bought a doll in her stead. Men who treat their dolls like life partners. Davecat is a public doll owner who has invited documentary crews to film him watch TV with his doll, talk to her, eat with her. Some doll owners have married their dolls and sent the pictures to RealDoll.
Ben’s Harley-Davidson collection has been neglected lately. The dolls are taking over. And for McMullen, this is exactly the analogy. “It’s a subculture just like bikes or cars,” he says. “They’re collectors. Some people have 10 or 15 dolls, and they look after them as if they’re Rembrandts. This is what people forget – these are pieces of art. Forget that it’s anatomically correct.”
“Anatomically correct” is code for “you can have sex with it”. And this disconnect between the art of RealDoll and its sexual function has been a source of irritation for McMullen over the years. “This is way more than just porn,” he says. “My whole career, I’ve pushed really hard against that. This is my art. If I were doing sculptures out of marble, no one would question it.”
In 2006, Dr Henrik Christensen, the chairman of the European Robotics Research Network at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, predicted that humans would be having sex with robots in the next five years. He told The Economist, “Because people are willing to have sex with inflatable dolls, so anything that moves will be an improvement.”
“It would be great to give the face 45 points of articulation, and all these subtle points of expression,” says McMullen. “But it’s prohibitively expensive and it’s prone to breaking down, which just becomes an ordeal. Those robots at trade shows that interact with people? That’s because there’s a team there. When the cable breaks on the left eye blink, a man just opens up the back of the head and re-attaches it. But when it’s in your house and one eye’s stuck shut? Not a happy customer.”
The movie reference that most closely resembles McMullen’s ideal future is the Spike Jonze film Her, starring Scarlett Johansson – she voices the character of a hyper-advanced talking smartphone app, which steals Joaquin Phoenix’s heart. “Siri [the equivalent of Her, on Apple’s iPhone] proves that it’s possible to talk to your devices,” McMullen says. “And if the processor can learn from its interactions, then it can learn what you like or don’t like. I see these dolls as a peripheral for your smartphone. That’s attainable. So instead of your phone reminding you of something, the voice comes out of the doll. And you get the perception that the doll is your girlfriend.”
This is the sex-doll vision he’s talking about. One of his RealDolls is set up in a customer’s home, sitting in a chair, or lying on the sofa. The doll, by its GPS, knows where it is. It could call the owner to come downstairs. “Come and sit with me and watch TV.”
“When you’re away, maybe she texts you,” he says. “Maybe you see her in your phone, as you would if you were facetiming with someone. She says, ‘I miss you. I can’t wait till Friday when you get back from your business trip.’ ” He smiles. “That’s where we’re headed.”
McMullen says he feels grateful for his good fortune. He has four children, he’s happily married to wife number two, and he’s doing something he loves for a living. “I’ve come full circle,” he says. “There were times over the past 20 years when I felt I was working at McDonald’s; I just had to keep pumping stuff out. But I’ve grown older now. And I’m having a second wind. I’ve always thought of this as my claim to fame, kind of. And I have all these ideas.”
It’s a beautiful morning in Huntington, West Virginia, but David Mills wants to drink beer in the same ramshackle house where he has lived since birth. In the other bedroom is his ailing, nonagenarian father. Mills the younger is best known for writing Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person’s Answer to Christian Fundamentalism. In the foreword, Carl Sagan’s son Dorion praised Mills’s “impeccable logic, intellectual bravery, and professional clarity.” Richard Dawkins gave the book a blurb—“an admirable work”—and mentioned it two times in his best-seller The God Delusion.
At 55, he is tired of atheism activism, which he’s been doing since the late 1970s, and ready for a career reboot. Recently he became the owner of a RealDoll—the Rolls-Royce of sex dolls, created two decades ago by artist and entrepreneur Matt McMullen. Mills, who learned about them from an episode of the sitcom Family Guy, visited the company’s Web site and was convinced the photos were of models, not dolls, because they all looked so realistic. More research proved otherwise.
“I thought, Well, gee, I would enjoy something like that!” he recalls. “I mean, I love women. God, I absolutely love women.” And especially their legs. “That’s what attracts me to a woman as much as a face, if not more.” Big problem, though: “My fundamental personality conflict is that I really like women but I don’t like to be around people.”
A loner since childhood, he met his first wife in 1984 in Communist Poland through a mail-order-bride catalogue and was with her for 18 years, until he met his future second wife online. That marriage ended right before she was arrested by the F.B.I. for a white-collar crime. Mills has avoided relationships ever since. He estimates that of the approximately 180 women he has had sex with, a little over half were prostitutes. That profession has gone way downhill in Huntington over the years, so Mills thought a RealDoll might do the trick. He ordered a “Body A” RealDoll2 model (83 pounds, 33–24–35 measurements, custom freckles) and named her Taffy the same day he mailed a check for $7,149 to a factory in San Marcos, California, called Abyss Creations.
Three and a half months later, a coffin-like crate arrived. Thrilled, he pried it open, tore away the plastic, and screamed. The extremely human-like doll was looking right at Mills, and it reminded him of the Twilight Zone episode where William Shatner comes face-to-face with a monster on an airplane wing.
Then he became aroused.
In 2006, Dr. Henrik Christensen, the chairman of the European Robotics Network at the Royal Institute of Technology, at the University of Stockholm, predicted that “in the next five years” humans would be having sex with robots. Even if they were pretty basic ones, it wouldn’t matter, he told The Economist, because “people are willing to have sex with inflatable dolls, so initially anything that moves will be an improvement.”
In Love & Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships, artificial-intelligence expert and international chess champion David Levy professed that by 2050 robots “will have the capacity to fall in love with humans and to make themselves romantically attractive and sexually desirable to humans.” One expert surveyed in a Pew Research Center report out last year predicts that robot sex partners will be “commonplace” by 2025 and foresees robot sex being both popular and “the source of scorn and division, the way that critics today bemoan selfies as an indicator of all that’s wrong with the world.”
In the new sci-fi thriller Ex Machina, a young employee of a Google-like company (Domhnall Gleeson, who played a sweet-natured synthetic manbot in an episode of the highly acclaimed British TV series Black Mirror) visits a secret research facility in the mountains, where a reclusive tech mogul (Oscar Isaac) shows off his latest creation, a very attractive, emotionally intelligent android named Ava (Alicia Vikander). Believe it or not, something goes wrong.
As for robot sex partners, which Abyss is in the early stages of developing, Mills has been skeptical. He likes the way the dolls are now and can’t envision a walking, talking sexbot indistinguishable from humans happening for 500 years. “It’s just too horribly complicated,” he reasons. “I just think the more moving parts you have with anything, a car or an airplane, the more problems you have, and if you can’t send it back to the factory … shit, I couldn’t even get a plumber for goddamn two weeks. Am I going to call the local RealDoll repairman?”
Then, suddenly, he warms to the idea of having one. “Well, I hope. I mean, yes, that would be one more option.”
“Modern technology has now progressed to the point where factory-built partners are at least as good as human partners,” Mills says later at a downtown bar. “Not everybody wants to be in a relationship, especially an emotionally draining, costly, anxiety-filled one. If a man says, ‘I don’t want to be in a relationship,’ most of the time that’s probably a fucking good decision! And he can order a RealDoll, which will end up being a helluva lot cheaper than the women he was dating! If a man has a hundred or no girlfriends, RealDolls are a good option no matter what.”
A hovering waitress says, “Last call.” Mills orders a beer and returns to a pet peeve. “Women have enjoyed sex toys for 50 years, probably 5,000 years, if the truth be known, but men are still stigmatized! We have to correct that! I want to be the Rosa Parks of sex dolls! Men are not going to sit in the back of the bus anymore!”
There is no sign outside Abyss Creations, located at the end of a lonely highway service road north of San Diego. On a typically flawless Southern California day, Annette Blair jumps up from her desk and opens the front door. The perky, curvaceous sales manager, who also handles publicity, then locks it to keep out “lookie-loos,” especially teenagers, who like peeking inside.
Walking in, one of the first things you see is a nude figure with a metal skeleton face and coiled, conduit metal Medusa dreadlocks, created for an adult film and shown at the annual Adult Video News Expo, in Las Vegas. It was quite the conversation piece at the RealDoll booth and Annette’s favorite. When plugged in, the futuristic fantasy doll lights up like a pinball machine, and her innards spin around. Exposed circuitry is a turn-on for robot-sex fetishists, she confirms, but this is just an artwork. Aside from her breasts she isn’t fully functioning—unlike the two scantily clad, statuesque, and otherworldly blondes who seem to be gazing over or through us.
Closer up, these replicas of two Wicked Pictures porn stars look ready to break through their plastic cages to embrace or tackle you. But like all the other dolls here, these Wicked Girls have neck bolts for hanging purposes and so they can’t move during transport. Behind them on the wall are stunning framed portraits of what must be A-list models or actresses. Annette shakes her head. I refuse to believe it. She insists they are the work of Stacy Leigh, a pioneering photographer of sex dolls, owner of nine, and authority on the subculture.
Another extraordinary sight in the showroom is a male doll playing air guitar on a red upholstered throne. “You might recognize the face because he just walked in a few moments ago,” she says. “That’s Matt.” Her boss has to talk to someone working on a history of the sex doll, which often begins with Pygmalion, picks up steam with Dutch sailors’ dolls in the 18th century, continues to famous doll owners—artist Oskar Kokoschka among them—and then focuses on Matt McMullen.
It wasn’t Matt McMullen’s intention to invent “The World’s Finest Love Doll.” It was a fluke. Before he came on the scene, not much progress had been made beyond unrealistic, hideous-looking blow-ups, which were more novelty item than gratifying sex toy. In the 1980s, Japan began producing high-end dolls, but because they were made of plastic, they didn’t feel real or have the illusion of being real from 10 feet away. Their parts were separate—the upper and lower leg had a visible seam between them—and they were popped together like a G.I. Joe. You always knew it was a doll.
By 1994, when he wasn’t working odd jobs or playing in grunge bands, McMullen, who had studied art in college, was sculpting a female figure at home. Just something he was driven to do. “I started this whole thing in my garage as a hobby, a project, and it kind of took on a life of its own,” he says during our first conversation. “It started as a concept I had for a posable sculpture—a highly realistic mannequin, I guess, is the best way to describe it.” In the past he has said it was more of a “joke” or “funky art piece” than anything and became a sex device only because of “the public’s demand.”
Nevertheless, it was McMullen who, with his own hands, created the first silicone sex doll with a completely accurate, fully articulated skeleton that was posable. And when he began selling them for $3,500, in 1997, there was nothing at that level anywhere in the world. That same year he was invited on The Howard Stern Show, and “the King of All Media” asked “Leonardo Da Vagina” to make him a doll. When it finally arrived, Stern was ecstatic. “Best sex I ever had!” he said. “I swear to God! This RealDoll feels better than a real woman!”
In 1999, HBO’s Real Sex ran a segment on RealDolls that has since aired countless times. In 2014 the adult-entertainment Web site Lustocracy called the episode “a cultural moment in time that marks the dawn of the next tech-enabled sexual revolution in America. Viewers were both repulsed and attracted.” According to Abyss, McMullen’s dolls have popped up on more than 20 other television shows—among them CSI: New York, My Name Is Earl, TLC’s My Strange Addiction, Sons of Anarchy, House, and 2 Broke Girls—and co-starred in 10 films, including Totally Busted 3, Rubberheart, Regarding Jenny, Surrogates, starring Bruce Willis as an F.B.I. agent hunting down the killer of androids, and 2040 (when sex is outlawed, androids replace porn stars).
But it was 2007’s Lars and the Real Girl that put RealDolls on the cultural map, when one of McMullen’s dolls landed a role opposite Ryan Gosling, who played the quirky, socially stunted lead. Lars becomes less reclusive soon after Bianca shows up in a crate. He begins wheelchairing her around to family dinners, a party, and church, much to the delight of the tolerant townsfolk, then later drowns the now “terminally ill” Bianca in a lake.
The majority of RealDoll customers are a decade or three older than Ryan Gosling and probably not as smooth with the ladies. Some are grieving over the loss of a spouse and can’t fathom dating. Others are perhaps disfigured, disabled, or so terrified of women they can’t even look at them. But they all like the idea of having a human-ish presence around rather than watching them on a screen, drowning their sorrows, and withering away completely alone.
But not all customers are painfully shy sad sacks. There is no “type” who buys the company’s dolls and other silicone products. They include futurists, art collectors, truckdrivers, scientists, housewives, couples seeking to enhance their sex lives, lawyers, surgeons, a nursing association, a dental school, men with prostate cancer who can’t get an erection but miss the cuddling, burn victims, and wounded vets.
According to Abyss, the Department of Defense has purchased dolls from the company—minus the dirty bits—so soldiers can practice saving the wounded in war games. Psychiatrists have used them in therapy sessions. Parents have ordered them for their autistic or otherwise challenged grown-up children. Add to the list very wealthy sheikhs, princes, a NASCAR driver, a Nobel Prize winner, and Mötley Crüe singer Vince Neil, who showed off his $15,000 customized Body A on MTV’s Cribs.
The company is “fiercely” protective of the privacy of all its customers, not just celebrities, who usually demand a non-disclosure agreement or have a doll purchased through an intermediary. Deep sources there confirm that an actor with “anger-management issues” bought five at once and was seen sunbathing with them on his yacht.
Most owners aren’t that ostentatious. Like proper Victorians, they take care of business in private and then hang their dolls back up in the closet. Some married men use a fake name when they order, have it shipped somewhere other than their home, and say, “Don’t call; don’t leave a message; don’t e-mail!” But what has long been considered a fetish for major pervs has become more accepted as the perception of “sex doll” has changed, largely thanks to McMullen, who prefers “love doll” and “work of art.”
Annette Blair, who also serves as the tour guide at Abyss, unlocks the “engineering and parts room.” The walls are covered with schematics of what RealDolls look like inside. “No one’s really allowed in here,” she says, quickly moving on to another room filled with body parts, all made of a unique blend of high-quality silicone.
Annette points to the stairs leading down to the production floor, where the dolls are put together and brought to life. That is the destination for a dozen hanging from an overhead conveyor and dangling a few feet off the floor. It’s like we just missed a mass slaughter at a dry cleaner or meatpacking plant. But these aren’t even RealDolls yet, she clarifies—they’re poured dolls waiting to be bathed by Schuyler Dawson, who is scrubbing away on a Classic RealDoll Body 4 (four feet ten, 77 pounds) before doing some finishing touches, perhaps some French-manicured fingernails, freckles, or fluffy, glued-on mohair pubic hair.
Between the Classic and the RealDoll2 models, customers must decide which of 11 different body types and 31 faces they want. They choose from more than 30 styles and shades of nipples; skin and lip type; hair and eye color; pubic hair (trimmed, natural, full, shaved); eyebrows (fake, human hair); removable tongues, tattoos, piercings; oral inserts (e.g., the seven-inch “Deep Throat”).
Untold thousands of configurations are possible, and prices go up the more custom options that come into play. A man with a body-hair fetish once requested to have individual hairs meticulously hand-punched on a female doll to make it almost ape-like but balked at the $10,000 price. McMullen declined an offer of $50,000 to make a sex dog for a “very Deliverance”-sounding hillbilly, though he suspected it was a radio-show prank. He refuses to make animals or children.
Another area where McMullen’s personal morals intervene is celebrities. He will make a doll that roughly resembles one but not a complete copy, unless he gets permission. Annette remembers a woman who ordered a Sweeney Todd doll with a ghostly white wig that looked as much like Johnny Depp as possible. Female customers are in the minority (less than 10 percent). Some buy female dolls. Dangling in front of us now is a standard male, a Ken-like doll for which a woman paid extra to jump the line and to get custom features: cat’s eyes, fangs, natural toenails, and flaccid and hard penis attachments.
Many unusual products here were created in direct response to requests by customers. Gay men were presumably responsible for the existence of the compact “Bottoms-Up” toy (shapely cheeks, dangling testicles), available in five skin tones. Hermaphrodite-doll enthusiasts can be picky. Some want the vagina and the penis. Some want the penis, the vagina, but no testicles. Others want removable genitals so they can go back and forth between genders. When they’ve had enough of the penis they can remove the attachment and put the regular vagina back in until they get tired of that.
Aloud hydraulic hoist is lifting bodies out of molds. It takes three months to make a doll, but if someone orders an express, for an extra $1,500, it can be done in a month. Abyss sells an average of 6 to 10 a week. Believing in quality over quantity, the company doesn’t like to push it too much. Yet 10 are shipping out this week. There are 45 purchased dolls on the waiting list. Four more orders came in this morning.
They range in height from four ten to five ten and can weigh anywhere from 60 to 125 pounds. Annette presents the newest model, a Body D, which has proved to be quite popular with its 36DD’s, plump rump (with gel implants to make it more jiggly), 24-inch waist, and thicker legs. “This is our most voluptuous girl—feel her.” I feel creepy doing so without permission. “So those are her breasts. Go ahead and give them a feel!” Quickly I run a finger down her arm and recoil in disgust.
According to the “uncanny valley” theory in human aesthetics, such a response can occur when humans first come into contact with lifelike dolls, robots, or near-perfect digital imagery. More time spent around them, though, can lead to positive, empathetic feelings. It’s true. When I return to Abyss the next month, a beautiful, mysterious Body D will have a hypnotic effect on me. Circling and admiring “Brooklyn” from different angles, I will work up the nerve to stroke her back, pat her butt, and feel no shame.
Standing by a wide variety of body parts scattered on and around a table, a beaming, prosperous-looking 50-ish man is picking up his $9,000 doll, a volleyball-playing California supermodel type. Annette met with him and his wife for hours, helping them to create it. They were very particular about hair, eyes, and skin tone. The delighted husband is telling Blake Bailey, the production manager, how beautiful it is, and doesn’t wish to speak to a reporter. According to Stacy Leigh, owners are “very leery of the press, almost to a fault, where the guys you want to speak to you won’t speak to you. They’re afraid of losing their jobs, so you’re left with the fringe, who are almost crazy.”
Matt McMullen exits his office and walks by the doll made in his likeness when he was fronting the hard-rock band Nick Black and looked more like Kurt Cobain. Covered with tattoos and wearing a floral-pattern shirt, jeans, a couple of earrings, he could pass for a rock star on the cusp of 40. (He’s 45.) His music career is on hold. “I am in a mode right now where I’m very into the doll thing again,” he says, leaning back on a leather couch. “The stark reality is you kind of have got to pay your bills, and one of my two creative outlets tends to be more profitable for me.”
He is facing the Wicked Pictures contract stars he transformed into Wicked RealDolls. Starting at $6,749, Wicked RealDolls cost a bit more than some models but come with extras like a signed certificate, a bottle of perfume chosen by the actress, and sometimes even a phone call. Jessica Drake, who co-starred with RealDolls in the futuristic porn 2040, has been known to call Abyss customers who have bought her likeness, and has even sent outfits for the dolls. Most recently, Matt worked with Asa Akira, who came in to get her hands, feet, nipples, genitals, and everything else molded.
“Sure, it’s fun—there’s worse things you can do with your day,” he says. For the Wicked Girls it’s a “difficult” process, according to Annette, but they feel honored when their likenesses are unveiled at the A.V.N. Expo. “We’ve gotten to know them pretty well, the company and the girls,” Matt says. “Great people.” His phone rings; one of his kids. On the table between us is a book of photographs by Helmut Newton that includes several RealDolls. Under it is Diamonds & Pearls: Dolce & Gabbana—the designers met with Matt before deciding to use his dolls instead of mannequins for this 10-pound doorstop.
He’s here every day but can’t oversee everything and often feels spread thin. It takes time and effort to put himself in the right creative mode to, say, sculpt a new face. Then he’ll get sidetracked by a multitude of things. Phone calls. Clients. His second wife. His ex-wife, who owns 49 percent of the business (she’s not involved in operations). Someone wants his approval of a makeup job. A doll isn’t fitting into a crate. Meanwhile, he’s trying to sculpt a new face.
Given his druthers, Matt would spend all his work time creating new things. Down the hall is Phoenix Studios, Abyss’s sister company, which makes Boy Toy dolls, the line of smaller sex dolls he created in 2008. Phoenix is getting more and more into prosthetics for mastectomy patients and fetishwear for drag performers and transgender individuals. “We just made this product line—it’s basically a boob shirt that you can wear, and it’s made of silicone, and it looks completely real,” he says. “It’s like a wearable doll’s skin, and this is something that people have asked for for years.”
He wants to show off the wearable breasts and “gurl shorts,” with built-in genitalia, that can convincingly change one’s gender. “This is a separate venture from the doll thing—it’s kind of a new avenue,” he says in the studio. “Here I am, making a living with boobs! That’s what I do. They come in all sizes and shapes. See, we’ve come up with all these different nipples to meet what people ask for, because no matter what you have, there’s always somebody who is like, ‘No, I want my nipples on there to be puffy and red.’ And you’re like, ‘Red?’ ‘Yes, red like a fire truck.’ So there you have it, red nipples.” A chart on the wall lists the many nipple colors and designs from light red to hot red to pink, chestnut, bronze, peach, tan, brown, black, Standard Mini, Mini 1 and 2, Perky, Super Puffy, XL Puffy, XXL Puffy, V Puffy, “Texas,” and “Big Mama” (about the diameter of a coffee cup).
Less excited by robotics and artificial intelligence, Matt feels pressure to move in that direction. People keep asking when the dolls will talk back. “I’m torn, because that sounds really cool, but at the same time I like the old-school-ness of what it is now,” he explains. There is also something pure about the way his customers interact with them now, and that, too, could be lost when sexbots become available.
“I think that will take away from the reality of what real relationships are with the doll where it’s mostly imagination,” he continues. “You program a doll to agree with everything you say, do everything you say, always be nice to you and go along with what you want, it’s boring. I’ll tell you in a heartbeat, dolls could never replace a real woman. I mean, half the challenge and half the battle of a relationship is that constant tension between men and women that we all know is there.”
Despite his misgivings, Matt has decided to add some extra sci-fi apps. It’s a little too soon to talk about it, but … “One of the bigger things I’ve been plying away at is integrating some sort of minor intelligence into the dolls where you can communicate with them,” he says, like an unusually mellow mad scientist. “Some minor expression, verbal interaction, moving eyes, stuff like that. I could have released stuff [in 2013], but it’s not quite where I want it yet, and until I get that technology to a point that I feel it enhances the doll instead of making it a little spooky or just awkward, I’m not going to do it.”
Yet he’s in the process of forming a separate company dedicated to doll robotics. “I want the doll to retain its beauty and the design and movement, the whole thing,” he reiterates. “We’ve all seen clumsy animatronics, even at Disneyland: the Indiana Jones character at the end of the ride, his eyes are a little wonky and something looks wrong with the way his face moves—I don’t want the doll to do that. I don’t want it to be like that. I want it to be surreal and pleasant, and maybe less is more. So the face doesn’t have to do all these movements if it’s interacting with you. Just enough to convey that feeling.”
I ask him about an enhancement that didn’t take off, the Hip Actuator, a device that could be put inside a doll and activated by a control box with different sequences. “The doll would basically start writhing around and moving her hips,” Matt recalls. “It was kind of neat.” It was also kind of loud, expensive ($3,000), and heavy. It made the doll stiff in the torso, so that when the machine was off, “she lost the ability to sort of relax.” Not everyone thought the Hip Actuator was a cool effect. It was a nightmare to install, so Matt discontinued it.
Another disappointment was the “Interactive Response System,” in which small, very sensitive sensors were put in erogenous zones of the body. A bank of canned audio files would enable the doll to verbally “respond” based on where she was touched. During the development phase he touted it as “very interactive, to the point where there is an intelligence there,” and envisioned “thousands of responses and they will randomly mix together to form almost limitless combinations.”
It too was a nightmare to install and turned out to be like an X-rated Tickle Me Elmo. Instead of “That tickles!” the doll said things like “Ow!” and “Oh, that feels good” or simply moaned. “We did that for a while and it was cool—some people loved it,” Matt recalls halfheartedly. Others didn’t think it was worth the $1,500. “But more people said, ‘Well, I don’t know if I want her to talk.’ I kind of like that it’s just a doll, and that’s kind of where sometimes I feel I am. You start adding all these other things, it’s not really just a doll anymore.”
The thought of getting back into robotics now is exciting but also intimidating and anxiety-inducing: “I feel like 10 years ago when I was doing this, I was completely content. I made dolls and I made them as beautiful as I could and it was a very free feeling. …. I guess in a sense it makes you long for the simplicity of what used to be.”
At the end of The Stepford Wives, the evil, Dr. Frankenstein-like head of the Men’s Association—nicknamed “Diz” because he once worked in Disney’s animatronics department—responds to one of the last utterances of Katherine Ross’s doomed character, Joanna. “Why? Because we can,” Diz informs her. “We found a way of doing it that’s just perfect, perfect for us and perfect for you…. See, think of it the other way around: wouldn’t you like some perfect stud waiting on you around the house? Praising you? Servicing you? Whispering how your sagging flesh was beautiful, no matter how you looked?” Then the sexbot, an exact replica of Joanna except for its black, doll-like eyes and gravity-defying breasts, tightens a stocking and strangles her with it.
Matt calls it a very entertaining movie and concept. And creepy? “Yeah, that’s creepy. But our goal would never be to do that, and whatever amount of technology I incorporate into our dolls as we go forward into the future will be geared at the simple goal of enhancing that interaction, not taking away from it. I would never see that being a threat to an organic woman at all.” Besides, females might have some options by the time fembots are commonplace: “They’re probably going to make robotic manbots, and don’t fool yourself: women will be in line, too,” he says. Like the Jude Law character “Gigolo Joe,” in A.I.? “Oh, sure. If you make a robot that is Johnny Depp-ish enough or whatever character at the time—of course they’ll be open to it!
“Across-the-board, human sexuality is expanding into these other avenues and frontiers,” he says. “We like to experience different types and flavors of sex, and that is our nature. And so I don’t think necessarily this is something that needs to be a high level of concern. There’s this big gap between what people fantasize about and what’s possible even in the next decade. You know we’re not quite there. When we’re able to build a starship Enterprise, we’ll have these kinds of robots that people fantasize about, but there’s going to be a lot of steps between here and there.”
Is animating dolls or giving them emotional intelligence the greatest desire?
“Well, the idea, the goal, the fantasy there, is to bring her to life, ultimately,” he replies. But he admits that, given the choice between a beautiful woman and an animated doll, there are some who would still choose the latter. “They have a fetish for the doll. It has nothing to do with dehumanizing anyone. They have a fetish for this doll to be animated, and it has nothing to do with possessing them or controlling them. I mean, there are people out there who have sex with their car. There are people who have sexual fetishes about items of clothing or pieces of furniture—that’s out there and doesn’t dehumanize anyone. That’s just their thing, man. So again: relax.”
So women shouldn’t be worried about being replaced by synthetic versions of themselves?
“No. Nor should men be worried that they’ll be replaced by dildos.”
Inside a booth at Red Lobster in downtown Huntington, David Mills is looking around for a waitress who used to be a stripper. One thing he will say for the Huntington area is there are some pretty good strip joints. People come from Charleston and all over. Every couple of months Mills goes to either Lady Godiva’s or Southern X-Posure, where the strippers are fully nude onstage and give wonderful private lap dances.
“The only problem I have is there are a lot of fat strippers and they have tattoos,” he says. “I mean, that just doesn’t do it for me, though usually in an evening they’ll have one or two that look really good and kind of classy-looking.”
He says he isn’t drinking tonight. Gets too carried away. Usually he will buy one 22-ounce bottle. “And that’s all I have. But if I have like a 12-pack, I drink until I throw up, so I rarely drink.”
Was he being serious about his offer to wash Taffy so I could test her out? “Yeah—I mean, that’s fine with me,” he replies. “That’s perfectly fine. There is absolutely no possibility of catching anything at all. You can do it now or later when you come back. I was not kidding.”
The only downside to Taffy is her weight, but “you can’t demand a life-size doll that looks and feels exactly like a woman and expect the doll to weigh 10 pounds and throw it over your shoulder.” Another issue is that dolls assume the ambient temperature. He is very interested to learn that McMullen is finalizing a design for a remote-control internal heating system so his customers won’t have to use an electric blanket.
David doesn’t sleep with Taffy. She stays on her tripod. What does he think of the term “love doll”? “That’s perverse, man,” he says, laughing. “You people from the big city disgust me.”